Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Big changes for Owl's Eye View and Terri DelCampo

Greetings Ooky Readers!

The last time I blogged I was excited about writing for Yahoo Contributor's Network, I was living in Pennsylvania with my son and his family, my novels and short stories had only been published on my Owl's Eye View Magazine website, and I was in the thick of writing the "Zowls" saga for Owl's Eye View.    Well!  Change, change, and more change, let me tell you! 

YCN closed down which disappeared my non-fiction outlet, not to mention a small but much-needed source of income.  However, I survived and moved on with my writing as I always seem to.  Adaptable seems to be my middle name and pretty much always has. 

Which means that when things slowly stopped working out living with my son and his family, that quality of adaptability pulled me through the separation from them and my move back to Georgia.  With the stress of all that behind me, life is much better, except for missing certain short people who call me Nana (along with their furry, four-legged siblings). 

Just before the big move I began to publish my novels and short stories as Kindle books on Amazon.  Between the end of July and the end of October 2014 I published 27 Kindle books, including all 7 of my novels and novellas and all 108+ of my short stories.  I also published "The Best of Swooping Through the Years," "The Best of From the Perch," "The Best of Macabre Mirth," "The Best of On the WindSpirit," "The Best of Screech On!," and "The Best of Visceral Verse." 

Zowls is complete and of course was serialized in OEV all through the latter half of 2014. When my website (www.owlseyeviewmagazine.com) host crapped out on me and I couldn't get logged in to publish Issue 12 last year, I just got ticked off and published the issue on Facebook.  (Please note, that Issue 12 containing the conclusion, along with the entire Zeons/Zowls novel is contained within "The Best of Swooping Through the Years" that went online in January 2015. 

Then I realized that I needed an alternative to the website, and fast.  I couldn't even sign in to the site host, so there was no publishing a final issue, even.  What to do...

Kindle Books was my solution.  After publishing 27 Kindle Books with no glitches, I decided to publish individual issues of Owl's Eye View each month as always, and at the end of the year gather all twelve into an annual volume.  Seemed to work for the first issue that came out on Kindle on January 11th.  No one unliked the OEV page on Facebook, so my ooky reader friends must be happy.  Yay! 

Sometimes there really is a silver lining, because now my writing is all in one, well marketed, accessible place and will stay there forever so that you, my ooky readers can buy yourself a chill or two any time you want.

Owl's Eye View now boasts a new column, "Terri's Bookshelf" where I will discuss books I'm currently reading and loving, feature authors whose book's pages I simply cannot stop turning, and conduct interviews with authors who spur my admiration and respect (and curiosity, I admit it!).   Science Fiction author Paul A. Bussard was the first author featured in TB, and coming up on the 11th of this month, horror author, editor, and publisher Blaze McRob will be the center of TB attention.  I'm very excited about interviewing, reviewing, plugging, and discussing some very talented people and their books in "Terri's Bookshelf;" come join me!! 

I'll be looking forward to creeping you out and bringing the ooky just like always! 


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