Monday, June 11, 2012

What's up with Terri DelCampo on 5-11-2012 via OEV Magazine



Terri DelCampo
Managing Editor

Spring is here, Owl’s Nest visitors! 

Personal stuff:  Rosie has made shopping lists every time she goes out with her mom shopping.  Among other things she always puts on her list: new marbles for Nana (because I’m always saying whenever I forget things or screw up something during the day, that I’m losing my marbles) new feet, new knees, new shoulders for Nana because hers are broken.  She is a piece of work my little granddaughter.  She makes me laugh.  And she cracks my heart I love her so much. 

Joey and Rosie have discovered the whoopee cushion.  Let me tell you, they have learned to sit slowly upon it to make the fart last forever, though Joey gets a real thrill out of one big huge blasty fart.  I have to admit the humor may be pedestrian, even childish, but hearing a grand huge fart along with squeals and giggles and shrieks of laughter from my little munchkins does my heart good. 

I reached out to tickle Joey as he zoomed by on his BigWheel, and he screeched to a stop with this deadly serious look on his face, to give me this reprimand: “Nana!  This is my ice cream truck and you can’t tickle me because I have to drive!”  Then on he went.  I guess I should have known better; silly me.  Funny, he’s fixated on ice cream trucks but doesn’t like ice-cream because “it’s too cold!” 

Rosie is going to the Philly zoo today.  I wonder which animals will be her favorites?  I liked the sea lions.  I miss chaperoning school trips. 

Spring has been too beautiful so far this year.  No cloudy, somber days to put me in the mood to write ooky.  But fear not, loyal readers!  I just write late at night when who knows what might be lurking just outside my window.  Muahaha! 

I spoke with my friend Terry Segal last week-end.  She is doing well with her Enchanted Journey book, based on her workshop.  She’s a wonderful writer and excellent therapist.  Check out her site for much thought provoking material: 
and her blog:

As for me I’m just hanging out as usual, reading “The Drowning Girl” by Caitlin R. Kiernan.  Astonishingly well written.  Every time Ms. Kiernan comes out with a new book, I have a major dilemma on how to reorder my favorites of her work…

As for Owl's Eye View this month, let’s take a peek: 

Nathan Williams tells us what really happened in 1966 at the great campground attack out on Liar's Pond Road, so take a gander at “Swooping Through the Years.” 

In “Screech On!” this issue, Larry Nunn has a particularly challenging music review to write, and no matter whether his comments are good or bad, the price could be his immortal soul! 

Meredith Alden winds up her five issue story that catches us up on Max Vale’s life.  You won’t want to miss the exciting conclusion in “From the Perch” this month. 

Will Lucy Bernelli really go through with her quest and depart Owl’s Nest for all time?  Take a peek and see if you can stand the chills.  And also see what a guest writer for her “On the WindSpirit” column has to add to her words concluding this multi-issue article. 

In “Macabre Mirth” this issue, Melanie Mirth puts a cool spin on a classic mummy chill, don’t miss the ooky! 

A murder victim gets her say in my story, “Dear Diary.” 

“Motivation” is a little ditty about a surprise ending to life…or perhaps I should say afterlife. 

And of course M*E*D*S pharmacy ookiness continues on.  What will happen to Mark Logan?  How will Melanie and CeeCee get him back…or will they?  Muahaha!  Installment 5 brings us closer and closer to the brink of disaster….

Now I will let you tiptoe into Owl’s Nest and lose yourself in the ookiness.  Chills! 


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